What is RP?

Simply put, it means to play or perform the role of a person or character. In Final Fantasy XIV, that someone else is a character you have created! As you explore, you will learn that other players like to create multiple characters and create separate stories and personalities for each! For now, let’s focus on one!

Note: These guides are mostly based on the English-speaking RP culture. We recognize that Japanese-speaking communities may view RP differently!

Beginner’s Guide to RP

All you need to know to get started before trying out some RP! This 3 chapter section includes useful tips, definitions, and the bare minimum you need to try RP.

Social Anxiety in RP

Anxiety can often hold us back from trying new experiences, including roleplaying. 80 FFXIV players from around the world helped create a four-chapter series offering tips and best practices for you.

FFXIV Lore Books

Encyclopedia Volume 1

Encyclopedia Volume 2

Encyclopedia Volume 3

The Encyclopedias of Eorzea are official lore books, written and compiled by the FINAL FANTASY XIV development team. These volumes contain hundreds of pages detailing everything from Eorzea’s history, various cultures, geography, its inhabitants, and much more.

The Lodestone

Community Resources

Please note that these have moved to our Discord server!